
Robustness, Scalability, and Integration of a Wound-Reponse Gene Expression Signature in Predicting Breast Cancer Survival
Howard Y. Chang, Dimitry S.A. Nuyten, Julie B. Sneddon, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Therese Sorlie, Hongyue Dai, Yudong He, Laura van't Veer, Harry Bartelink, Matt van de Rijn, Patrick O. Brown, Marc J. van de Vijver
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Clustered gene expression data are provided in a compressed (ZIP'ed) file format, with a set of three Eisen Cluster files each (.cdt/.gtr/.atr):
- Download data from Figure 1A,unsupervised hierarchical clustering of 295, breast cancer samples using 442 available CSR genes
- Download NKI tumor data clustered using the intrinsic gene set
Complete raw expression data for the NKI dataset are available either as two tab-delimited text files, or as a large single file. (Note that expression values are in log10 format.):
Clinical data for each patient in the NKI series, and information about each centroid, are provided in Excel format: